The Ocean Elixir

There is something so soothing in watching the waves slosh against the sea shore.  The sea pulls me toward it, just as it pulled my entire family to the shores of the beach on one fine Saturday afternoon. During my two nights and a half day stay at the beach resort I feasted my brain to the sight of the wide expanse of the sea. I let myself feel the embrace of the cool ocean and relish the experience.
We arrived at the resort and chanced upon two sea facing cabins. The sun shone too bright for any productive activities so we sat out on the porch of the cabin and watched the wonder before us.
At 5:30pm that day, our feet were welcomed by the cool sands. The beach echoed with the hustle and bustle of the tourists that seemed to not get enough of the ocean. The ocean sloshed on as the sun disappeared into the horizon. The fishermen returned to the shores. The tourists watched as the fishermen toiled to gather their nets that had been spread out into the vastness. Meanwhile we let ourselves become one with the ocean and hold on to each other as it threatened to pull us into its infinite body.
The nights besides a beach are the most peaceful with only the sound of the waves lulling you to sleep. The crickets chirped in the silent night, the trees swayed in the breeze and you snore off into a peaceful sleep.
The mornings begin with the sky such a shade of blue that it is impossible to differentiate the sea from the sky. The horizon almost non-existent until the sun rises and claims its position in the morning sky. The crows set out on the search for breakfast and so do you. The humidity tends to set you off but not until the breeze starts to billow around you.
The afternoon perhaps is the most unsettling as it tends to make sitting indoors, look like a tempting alternative to sitting outdoors. The sun delivers its best performance in the afternoon and yet you still find tourists hanging out with the ocean under the scorching heat of the sun. I wondered how it is that their bodies could endure that much heat and still remain sane. I on the other hand was glued to the cabin room with the air conditioner who seemed to have become my dearest companion for the day.
Eventually the afternoon sun dipped lower into the horizon giving rise to an ambiance perfect for another dip in the sea. The ocean was a bit rough that day and a little hell bent on making me lose my footing. The fishermen were at their business again, their trawlers visible far into the distance. I pondered on whether they ever feared getting lost in the wide ocean, did they think twice before setting out on their daily routine? Or did the want to fill their stomachs blur out the dangers of their unsung heroic occupation?
Again the night came by, bringing the silence with it that highlighted the sound of the waves. The dinner perhaps a little heavy starts to settle into your stomach. And you start to settle in for the night. You doze off in the comfort offered by the two soft pillows, the quilt and the ocean’s lullaby on repeat in the background.
Another morning brings another day. Your eyes open to a bright sky. You are settling into the morning and then you are reminded of the few hours left of your vacation. At breakfast you seem to want to capture every detail of your vacation residence that had seemed so unimportant before.
Later, you sit out on the porch of your cabin and reflect on the memories that you have created. You ponder about the beauty of the ocean.
Ironically the beauty of the ocean happens to be the very thing that terrifies me of it and i.e its infinity. There is something so sinister and tempting to be lost in its endlessness; to never return to the usual monotony of life, to be lost forever. And then your survival instincts kick in and remind you that project you haven’t submitted or that test you have when you return to school tomorrow.
Life finds its way back to you even when you don’t want it to. That is what makes a vacation a vacation. It’s rare as a blue moon and you are aware of its importance. So you lose yourself to the spur of the moment and along the way you are revived, you are refreshed. The world may as well end tomorrow but right then, there with your loved ones, with your body drenched in waist deep salty water, you know what happiness is. You find your smile that had been on a vacation since forever, you find that artist who had forgotten how beautiful colors are, and most importantly you find your family who had slowly seemed to be slipping away from you as you drowned deeper into your life.
If not anything my short vacation taught me to appreciate its existence, to have the chance to escape your monotonous life once in a while, to feel the wonders it can do for you.
So at 12:30, with our bags packed again we set off on our journey home with the oath to never forget the ocean elixir that revived us all.


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