When life gives you lemons
The saying goes when life gives you lemons make lemonade...
What it means is that when life is giving you something you don't want, you take those unwanted things and turn them into something that benefits you.
Many times life puts us in situations we don't wanna be in. Naturally, our life never goes the way we plan it. So it is quite useless trying to fight things that seem inevitable. Being an introvert, life puts me in many situations I don't want to be in. So what DO you do when life is being stubborn with you. Be stubborn in return? Of course that is one way, but honestly speaking whom exactly are we trying to fight and be stubborn against?_Our life? Try saying that twice and observe how lame that sounds.

Yes, it is necessary to never back down and never give up but fighting against things that seem inevitable is just a waste of our time and energy. When something is not working out for you chalk it up to experience and move on. Just because something is difficult it doesn't always mean that it is the best thing for you. Nothing in life is impossible only if you know yourself and what is right for you. Sit down and once in a while have a chat with yourself, ask yourself how you are doing, are you happy with what you are doing. It doesn't take a lot of time given the amount of time you spend on everybody else.
What we are never taught in life is how to appreciate ourselves. We are always told we have to be better, do better, in order to reach a certain point in life where we will be successful. But what is that point? Has anybody seen it at all? We are never told that we are already where we want to be. We are never told to appreciate where we are and what we have currently. Yes, we have to strive to be better but once in a while, we need to be told that we are okay exactly where we are. All the stress and anxiety of being a better somebody only makes us belittle our original selves. If we have to change ourselves to please the society are we actually being ourselves? Again observe how lame THAT sounds.
Yes, we all have somewhere to go and somewhere to be and after all, we do have to survive in this world. But remember, when life gives you lemons make lemonade and savor it.
With that, I leave you to your devices.
Introvert Out.
P.S. I have no idea what brought that on.
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