Dreams of hither and thither


To most people, they seem trivial and petty. Something that accompanies us in our sleep and leaves when we wake up. Many of us may not even remember these dreams. And some of us wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to return back to our slumber because of a very disturbing dream. Sometimes we cannot help but think why am I seeing this? What is my subconscious trying to tell me?

Dream interpretation has been debated over for a very long time. Some of our ancestors believed that dreams are a message from God and that we are to follow them. Modern society is more open to science and technology feels that it has got to do with the psychological state of our mind. Humans have always tried to understand the complexity of their brain. Dreams to are a part of this complexity. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, believed that dreams are our means of fulfilling the desires that we cannot fulfill while awake. Even though the concept seems absurd, you still cannot deny the fact that your dreams may be a glance into your inner sub-conscious.

Dreams do differ from person to person but there are some common dreams that we may or may not see. Here are some examples of such dreams and their interpretation.

A lot of people complain about dreams that involve them jumping from a height and plunging into the abyss. They do not remember the beginning or the end but they remember free falling. If you have ever encountered such a dream then it means that currently, you are not feeling in control of your life. You are feeling overwhelmed and are unable to keep up with the rapid changes that are taking place in your life.

2)DYING (Yes, I know very subtle)
Death is what everyone has to face someday but dreaming about death doesn't necessarily mean death. In fact, it means just the opposite. Your death in your dreams may symbolize the end of something in your life and the beginning of something new. It means that you are feeling rejuvenated and full of invigorating energy for a new chapter of your life.

So you see dreams are not to be interpreted in a literal way. They require much introspection and analysis to understand them.

Again this type of dream is associated with the feeling of insecurity. It means that you are running away from a problem that you do not want to face and think are incapable of facing.

I have mentioned only three of some common dreams but here is the link of the site that will enable you to do your own personal research on your dreams. http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/a.htm

With that, I leave you to your devices.
Introvert Out.

Sources =>https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/basics/dreaming

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